Facebook: The New Profile Page

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Facebook is updating like everything else. We might not find it easy to shift as fast as they update their way of doing things, especially if you are not yet a Facebook junkie. The following article will give you a quick tour.

Summary on top

The new profile page shows a quick summary on the top right, next to your profile picture: who you are, your relationship status, where you live, and your birth date, who you’re working for and where and what you’ve studied. It also shows a collection of recently tagged photos to see what you’ve been up to lately.

Remember that you choose how many details you show by personalizing your privacy settings. You can also remove any of the photos in the stream by clicking on the little cross symbol in the top right hand corner.

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Left column

Beneath your profile picture you will find the shortcuts to more information, photos, notes and the friends of the person. Recently active friends are displayed along with their profile picture below the person they are in relationship with. In comparison to the old profile, the friends now also have their names next to them where before you could only see a cluster of pictures.

Middle column

Below the summary and the photo stream you will find the options for a status update. It is no longer a box with ‘What’s on your mind?’ written, there are now buttons to choose from: status, photo, link or video. As soon as you click on one of them, the respective update dialogue box will open.

Remember that you have a choice over who you want to see your update by clicking on the lock symbol next to the blue ‘share’ button.

The rest of the middle section is dedicated to the wall: On your profile you will find all the posts you made including the comments people left and any messages that people left on your wall.

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Right column

One of the big changes you will find is that the ‘send message’ button has moved from beneath the profile picture to the right side. On your personal page you will not find this button so check it out on some of your friends new profile pages.

Underneath you will see a selection of your common pictures (if there are any) and your mutual friends and pages you both like.

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