How To Create A WordPress Website Online

Have you ever thought about creating a WordPress site? If you are trying to start a business online, this is one of the easiest platforms for any newbie to create when it comes to website building. It allows you to not only quickly configure how your website looks, but allows you to make regular posts that will be found and indexed on the search engines for the keywords that you want to rank for. In order to set up a WordPress site, there are a few things that you need to do.

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You will need a domain name, hosting, and the ability to log into your cPanel to install WordPress on your domain. In this article, we will present the exact steps that you need to follow in order to create a fully functional WordPress website today.

Purchasing A Domain

Once you have done your keyword research, and you know the specific niche that you want to build your website around, you will have to purchase a domain name that is representative of the products you are going to sell. Your primary keyword should be in your domain, allowing it to be easily indexed for that particular niche. As you add additional pages to your WordPress site, you will gradually increase your visibility online by ranking all of the posts that you make.

s does this via plugins – extra pieces of code that adjust how the core site works and that can be tailored to your precise needs.

An essential plugin is one such as the Yoast SEO plugin that helps control how your website pages are presented to the search engines.

Before most people visit your site they are likely to find it in the search engine results and an SEO plugin will make it a lot easier to control things such as the page title, the description that shows below it in the search results and even how it is presented if one of your visitors likes it on sites like Facebook.

There are other plugins that I consider essential – I’ve currently got a shortlist of ten of them that I use every time I install a new website with WordPress – and other developers will have their own

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