Online Video Advertising – Where to Advertise

Online video advertising involves more than simply creating terrific looking video ads. Just as with television advertising, you need to get your ads in front of a targeted audience. No matter how well crafted your video ads may be, if they aren’t seen by your audience, they will be ineffective. Fortunately, the Internet is loaded with terrific places to display your message.

Contacting Webmasters Directly
You could contact individual websites directly and inquire about video advertising. However, doing so could be time-consuming. If you know of a high traffic website that appeals to your desired demographic, contacting the site’s webmaster or owner directly could be the start of a fruitful relationship. You might even be able to work out a reciprocal advertising agreement.

In addition to the sites that you already know might be a good platform for your video ads, use Google to find sites in your niche that offer advertising space. Do this by entering keywords for your industry followed by the words “advertise with us” in quotes. For example,

Image result for travel advertisement

exclusive on write6320.

if you run a genetic testing service for people interested in finding out their heritage, having a video song ad on genealogy sites would make sense. Enter: genealogy “advertise with us” into Google and look through the search engine results. You’ll find a number of genealogy sites interested in hosting advertisements. By placing your online video ads on sites that attract the same demographic your service appeals to, your ads will appear before a targeted audience.

The downside to this approach is that you’ll need to do a great deal of research to find sites that have a large enough viewership to invest in. After all, the site may appeal to your audience but if the website only has three or four visitors each month, advertising on it won’t make much sense.

Online Video Advertising Networks
Online video advertising networks have huge networks of sites that accept video ads. Like other online advertising models, online video advertising is often priced using a cost per click model. Other options include cost per thousand impressions. While the pricing may vary from one network to the next, most networks provide you with reporting tools that detail your video ads’ reach. For example, reports detail the number of clicks your ads receive, impressions, video completion rates (how many people watched your video all the way to the end), reach and frequency, and more.

A simple search engine search for “video advertising networks” will serve up dozens of networks from which to choose. One of these networks, SpotXchange, allows you to upload your existing video ads which are then transcoded into a variety of video formats required by different publishers. From there, you browse the “marketplace” for ad impression opportunities. This is an auction-like marketplace where pricing varies based on supply and demand much like bidding for keywords for pay per click ads. Once you’ve activated your campaign, your video ads will be inserted and start appearing on partner websites. This site allows you to advertise locally as well as nationally and it does not require a long term contract.

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Other well known online video advertising networks include: BrightRoll, YuMe, and TremorMedia.

Search Engine Video Advertising
Another option for your video ads is to place your ads through a search engine video advertising platform such as Yahoo! Advertising or the Google Content Network. These networks offer several video advertising options including in-stream video ads and click to play video ads. In addition to hosting your video advertising, other advertising options are available.

Online video advertising allows you to get your message in front of your audience, even if your audience is visiting websites other than your own.
With several payment models and detailed campaign reports, you can actively manage your video advertising in real time and your advertising may be more affordable than expected.

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