Facebook Ads 101

Facebook 101

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For those of you who are new to Facebook promotions, we figured it may be useful to give a diagram of how precisely Facebook advertisements work.

Possibly the most effortless approach to do this is to respond to some essential inquiries.

What’s the Difference between FB Ads and Google AdWords?

We’ve canvassed this inquiry in detail before yet here is the short answer: Generally, individuals use Google to take care of an issue, and they use Facebook to peruse pages and spend time with their companions.

This implies as opposed to looking into ‘watchwords’ as with AdWords, you will concentrate on distinct footing that individuals are utilizing to portray themselves, their inclinations, and their diversions.

Furthermore, in light of the fact that there is less rivalry for publicists on Facebook, by and large the expense per click is lower than utilizing AdWords.

Facebook Ads = Lower CPC + Higher Quality Traffic

What Types of Ads I Can Run on Facebook?

Standard advertisements or supported stories.

Standard Ads

These are the normal promotions you find in the correct sidebar of Facebook. The principle segments of the standard promotion are:





As a promoter, you choose precisely what you need the advertisement to resemble and to say.

Supported Stories

Supported stories transform clients’ activities into paid promotions in the correct sidebar.

At the point when somebody interfaces with your business on Facebook, you, as a promoter, can transform this social activity into a paid advertisement. This is an extraordinary method to use the intensity of internet based life and online word or mouth showcasing.

Who Will See My Facebook Ad?

This is maybe the BEST part of Facebook promotions. The appropriate response is: Pretty much anybody you need!

Facebook permits you to focus on your optimal customer or client and publicize legitimately to them. You can focus to clients dependent on:

Age (and even birthday)



Working environment

Interests and diversions

Training level

furthermore, substantially more.

When you select which focusing on choices you’d like, Facebook will convey your promotions legitimately to clients meeting your criteria.

What are My Payment Options for Facebook Advertising?

Similarly as with numerous other web based promoting choices, you can pick between CPC (cost per snap) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions).

In the event that you are chiefly inspired by clients really navigating to your site or page, you’ll likely need to go with CPC. This alternative permits you to show the most extreme sum you’ll pay for each navigate you get.

Be that as it may in case you’re increasingly keen on getting your image out there and simply having your advertisement seen by however many eyes as could be allowed, CPM can be a decent decision. This choice permits you to demonstrate the amount you’re willing to pay for 1000 individuals seeing your advertisement.

*Note: This is one of the most significant choices you’ll make with regards to Facebook publicizing.

I trust this has helped answer a couple of inquiries you may have about how Facebook promotions work.

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